The story is (as far as we know): AUSTRIAN WORKER´S UNION, ÖGB holds 100% of BAWAG/ PSK [Austrians 4th largest bank]. BAWAG/ PSK is a shareholder of Bank Frick & Co., Balzers (FL). Big surprise: Bad guy Bennet with Refco is also Frick-shareholder. Bad guy Günther Weninger [CEO ÖGB Vermögensverwaltung] launched Liechtenstein-based Desana Privatstiftung in 2002. Desana took credits from BAWAG/ PSK and others and gave it to DF Capital [also launched by Weninger]. DF Capital gave it to Refco. Refco gave 27% of the Refco-shares to DF Capital in return. Which means that ÖGB had 27% of Refco in 2004! Other bad guys in this case: Wolfgang Schüssel, Karl-Heinz Grasser, Wolfgang "Eisenhower" Flottl and Alfred Gusenbauer who wants ÖGB to sell BAWAG WITH OUR BROTHERS AND OUR SISTERS IN MANY FOREIGN LANDS THERE IS POWER IN A UNION! {Billy Bragg}