
April 29, 2006


The story is (as far as we know): AUSTRIAN WORKER´S UNION, ÖGB holds 100% of BAWAG/ PSK [Austrians 4th largest bank]. BAWAG/ PSK is a shareholder of Bank Frick & Co., Balzers (FL). Big surprise: Bad guy Bennet with Refco is also Frick-shareholder. Bad guy Günther Weninger [CEO ÖGB Vermögensverwaltung] launched Liechtenstein-based Desana Privatstiftung in 2002. Desana took credits from BAWAG/ PSK and others and gave it to DF Capital [also launched by Weninger]. DF Capital gave it to Refco. Refco gave 27% of the Refco-shares to DF Capital in return. Which means that ÖGB had 27% of Refco in 2004! Other bad guys in this case: Wolfgang Schüssel, Karl-Heinz Grasser, Wolfgang "Eisenhower" Flottl and Alfred Gusenbauer who wants ÖGB to sell BAWAG WITH OUR BROTHERS AND OUR SISTERS IN MANY FOREIGN LANDS THERE IS POWER IN A UNION! {Billy Bragg}

April 20, 2006


A lot of rumours about Pepsis affords to take over Energizer Red Bull. 49-percent-or-so-RB-owner Dietrich Mateschitz is in the mood to sell, some insiders said last week and it would be no surprise if Pepsi takes the 49% in August or September 2006 paying B$ 6 or 7. On the other hand Red Bull is still growing. Waiting another three years could make Mr. Mateschitz much more rich giving him the chance watching the big match Pepsi versus Coke Cola for some time.

April 16, 2006


Eine allgemeingültige Definition dafür was Kitsch ist ist schwierig. Jedenfalls ist immer dann wenn etwas aus einem Zusammenhang genommen und in einen ähnlichen [aber eben nicht gleichen] Zusammenhang gestellt wird kitschverdächtig. Hilfreich ist auch eine emotionale Aufladung. Eindeutig kitschig sind jedenfalls die elektronischen Klickgeräusche die moderne Kameras nach jedem Foto von sich geben und offensichtlich an die Klicks längst vergangener Jahrzehnte erinnern sollen so als hätten nicht bereits seit den 1960er Jahren das Gros die Kameras auf das Klick zugunsten eines Tons oder eben eines Nichts verzichtet. Fehlt nur noch dass jemand auf die Idee kommt Automotorengeräusche elektronisch mit Pferdegeräuschen akustisch zu übertünchen was vom Ansatz her dasselbe wäre.

April 13, 2006


April 08, 2006

SV AUSTRIA Salzburg 1933

Last year softdrinkcompany Redbull took over Austria Salzburg, changing the name [in Red Bull Salzburg] the colours [according to the company´s colours] and smashing club´s history [which goes back to 1933 leading Austria to Champions League CL in the 90ies]. After protests and discussions it soon turned out, that there is no way for hardcore-fans to support the team anymore.

Some months later NEW AUSTRIA is here again starting from Division 4 ["1. Landesliga"], Rank 13 [out of 14] in cooperation with PSV/ Schwarz-Weiss. Today first match against Eugendorf!

April 01, 2006


With 1974/ Nineteen Seventy Four [David Peace, ISBN 3-935890-29-X] you´ll always have Ziggy on your mind, not only when reading it. Bytheway: What about ANGST ESSEN SEELE AUF on page 42, Mr. Torberg?

If you want to know what some people do with Google and friends, then StatCounter has the best tools for you. In March maximalfantasie had two remarkable visitors: I: Morva System Co Iran[!], Islamic Republic Of, on March 9th, 2006 23:36:03, entry page MSN searching for the funny german words "HÖSCHEN" and "HERANREIFEN"! And II: Bundesministerium Fuer Inneres, Wien, Vienna, Austria, on March 23th, 2006 12:34:44 with the keys "24.03.2006", "ÖCALAN" and "SALZBURG". What we should think about it? Tell and post!